October 30, 2011

Nik's Snapseed - a go to app

After yesterdays post I started looking through more of my images of the last drive through Zion. It seems that once I arrived in Las Vegas the next day and got the iP4S I have abandoned so many wonderful photos that deserve to be posted that I had taken with the iP4.

I hope to move more of them to my new iPad so I can start my processing workflow once again. Seems like I have been doing most of the processing lately on my iPhone because, well, it seems easier.

Today's image was processed with Snapseed, including the black and white conversion. Snapseed is becoming a favorite app now that they included sharpening and structure. I have always liked the invisible sliders and the ability to see the before and after, and of course the u-point technology. Nik has done a great job for those of us who love to process with our Apple Devices.

iPhoneography Classes Available Now! - next class starts November 21st - only six student per session. FYI - prices will increase in 2012. If you would like to learn how to capture and process iPhone images beyond a basic snapshot take an Online iPhoneography Course with Teri Lou. Two courses are available iPhoneography 101 and iCreativity. Click on the direct links in the upper left hand column of this blog for information, pricing and schedule.

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