January 19, 2011

Simply B&W

Glass Museum in Tacoma, WA
I was introduced to a new app yesterday, Photo fx Ultra, designed by The Tiffen Company. It simulates many of the popular Tiffen glass filters, effects and processes. It contains 934 presets, which is a lot of choices. You can layer one effect onto another and even use a masking eraser and brush.

This image was captured with the ProHDR camera and process strictly in the Photo fx Ultra app for the iPad, with the exception of the frame. I layered several choices on top one another in this order:

Strip Grad - Magenta
Black and White - Red at 95%
Light Streak
B/W Looks - Flashback

I also added my signature. Can anyone figure out how I did within this app?

The colored version partially processed.

Please contact me for further information. teri@terilou.com Please join my Facebook Group iPhoneography with Teri Lou

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