December 14, 2011

Starry Starry Night - with help from Percolator

Twinkle Stars!

Was introduced to a couple new apps that I thought I would try out tonight. I captured this photo while in Chicago. While processing it I thought it looked a little holiday- ish with the happy twinkle stars!  I used lots of apps and processed it on my iPhone. I was actually surprised that I liked it when I saw it on my computer monitor. Sometimes I find iPhone processed images to be muddy.

Artist Haiku

The Last Pixel Show is now putting together their 2012 iPhone Photography workshop list and calendar. Please vote on the destinations you are most interested in, found on the side bar to the left.

The next iPhoneography Classes Available February 13th 2012! I will be out of the country and unavailable for most of January 2012. upon my return I will have fascinating images from many Asian countries.

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