February 18, 2011

Handbills on 11th

Seattle Photowalk

I had the opportunity to go for a Photowalk with a couple fellow iPhoneographers today in Seattle. We had a great time. Seems I always attract a lot of attention with my iPhone on my tripod. Many times I use that opportunity (something I love to share) to explain the power of iPhone apps. Most people are very impressed with what is possible.

This image was captured just east of downtown in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Being the small town girl that I am, I was very impressed with the advertising wall along 11th. The handbills must have been 2 inches thick in some places on the wall. 

I captured 3 images of the wall with the intention of stitching them together with Autostitch. However I changed my mind and used Diptic to frame the images instead. I thought is made for a more interesting image this way. After I finished the Diptic, I opened the image in PhotoStudio and used my preset code (which is provided to students in the iPhoneography 101 course). I finalized the  processing by sharpening it with PerfectPhoto.

Tomorrow I will include a couple images from the Pike Place Market, in Seattle.
iPhoneography 101 Course - Learn to use the apps of the iPhone to create photographs beyond a basic snapshot. This online course allow you to work at your own pace while having a professional standing by to provide assistance, answer questions and offer critiques. Starts March 12th - sign up now! Contact instructor: Teri Lou at teri@terilou.com to request an outline.

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