February 19, 2011

Where have all the Children Gone?

Captured on my Seattle Photowalk

When walking down the street I instantly saw this child's toy on the sidewalk. Curious I started looking around for the child that was playing on it. Sadly I soon discovered there was no child insight. So I stopped to capture the moment. I still wonder if the child lived nearby or if someone stole the toy and just left it on the sidewalk.

ProHDR - 6 images

FYI - The Hipstamatic came out with a new HipstaPak - Soho. It is available now for a limited time as an in app purchase for $.99. 
Do you want to learn to use the apps of the iPhone to create photographs beyond a basic snapshot? Sign up for the iPhoneography 101 online course for easy to follow instruction.  The course allows you to work at your own pace while having a professional standing by to provide assistance, answer questions and offer critiques. 
Starts March 12th - sign up now! Contact instructor: Teri Lou at teri@terilou.com and ask for a course outline.

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