June 10, 2012

First Public Hangout

Today I had my first public Hangout on Google+. Even though there were a few glitches it was inforamtive and successful. Go to MyiPadLive for the YouTube links.

Here are the images I promised to post after today's Hangout.

The original Hipstamatic Image

fxPhotoStudio layer with Yellow Glow

3rd layer after combining the original and fxPS layers in Image Blender

Final image after using Filterstorm to paint in the yellow into the flower in just all the right places.

Be sure to see the YouTube video links for much more detailed information.

Still a few more spots left in the online courses starting tomorrow. I look forward to sharing a few hangouts with a wonderful group of student this month. Sign up and find more information on the left side bar link.

Online iPad lessons are now up: go to http://www.myipadlive.com for more information.

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